
Pratt Lashes Out at Yes Co-Founder

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In a recent Marin Voice article, Ross Valley School District Trustee Wesley Pratt responded to an opinion piece by Yes Co-Founder Lisa Canin, accusing her of being a "wolf in sheep's clothing" and accusing her of seeking to undermine the public school system.

In own recent Marin Voice article, Marin Voice: It’s time to more closely examine Marin’s public schools, Canin says "It’s time for a bigger conversation in Marin about education and about what’s hiding under the guise of the “local control” argument that has brought us 19 school districts — time to be more skeptical about endorsements, and time for a bigger conversation about the impacts we could have by combining forces to address the diverse needs of all kids in this county."

It's understandable that the superintendents and trustees of those 19 school districts aren't thrilled with her conclusions. However, instead of addressing the concerns and data Canin presents, Pratt characterizes the piece as part of a constitution-threatening conspiracy, saying: "I write to warn the reader that there is an active effort to undermine public education" and accusing Canin of a personal vendetta against him.

It's a shame that Pratt, representing the Ross Valley School District, chose the path of hyperbole and personal attack instead of calmly addressing the content of Canin's article. In our current political climate, calm, informed debate is much needed in our elected leaders. Sadly, it's still lacking in the Ross Valley School District.