
Ross Valley Informational Links

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Ross Valley School District’s Multi-Age Program

Ross Valley School District’s Multi-Age Program Profile

Ross Valley School District Multi-Age Program Offering

Ross Valley Charter, RVC

Ross Valley Charter History

Ross Valley Schools Statement of Belief

Ross Valley School District – RVSD – Supporting information

Ross Valley School District Budget Explained

Ross Valley School District interim budget report

Salary Information for Ross Valley School District

RVSD Superintendent Rick Bagley’s history with Manhattan Beach school district


Former Deputy Superintendent Dr. Rick Bagley was responsible for the financial workings of the district and was the chief negotiator for MBUSD. MBUTA is hopeful that new Deputy Superintendent Dawnalyn Murakawa-Leopard will handle document requests more efficiently and effectively. With the new staff member, the district has an opportunity to regain the trust of MBUTA, depending on how it handles its transparency in the future.


Although Bagley claims the district now attaches each Board item with the designated fund to each invoice, purchase order and check, a full investigation into the budget by an outside source would be the most effective way to restore trust and ensure that there are no other accounting mistakes.